Battle of the Banks Africa 2025
Battle of the Banks is not just a game; it's a learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with real-world scenarios.
STARTS: 16 July 2025 (8 X 3 hour sessions
The concept of immersing oneself in a simulated environment, where one must grapple with the complexities of running an entire organisation and making critical decisions, is a truly remarkable approach to foster learning, personal growth, and capacity development.
How to navigate through this course
FREE PREVIEWCelebrating the 2023 Battle of the Banks Winners
FREE PREVIEWAbout the Battle of the Banks
FREE PREVIEWWhat to expect...the Battle information booklet
FREE PREVIEWKey Learning Objectives
FREE PREVIEWAbout The Incentive Scheme Program (ISP) - *NEW FEATURE*
FREE PREVIEWProBanker Introduction
ProBanker Registration Instructions
ProBanker Players Manual
Welcome address (Professor Anoop Rai)
Meet your instructors | Live webinar invitation | 16 July 2025 | 09h00 - 12h00 CAT
An Introduction to Financial Intermediation and banking
Financial Intermediation - why do they exist?
Financial Institutions | Commercial Banks | Investment Banks |Bank market structure | Comparison to non-financial firms
Bank Assets | Breakdown of banks assets | Personal loans | Commercial loans | Real estate loans | Loans by payment feature | Expected credit loss (ECL)
Bank Asset examples | interest & Amortization features
Other Earning Assets | Interbank Lending | Securities
Bank Liabilities | Core deposits
Bank Liabilities cont... | Wholesale deposits | Corporate Bonds | Shareholder equity
Conceptual Theory | Quiz | Financial Intermediation and Commercial Banks
Introduction to ProBanker | Managing a bank - the basics | Some complications | Modes of operation (Autosim & Competitive) | Bank assets in ProBanker | Bank liabilities in Probanker
Using Probanker | Organisation of the ProBanker Simulation
ProBanker | Assignment 1 | Financial Intermediation | Primer
ProBanker Assignment 1 | Quiz
ProBanker | Assignment 2 | Funding Analysis | Primer
ProBanker | Assignment 2 | Quiz
Live webinar invitation 2 | 23 July 2025
Economic Report _Event 2_Quarter 1_Trial
ProBanker | Assignment 3 | Interest Rate Risk | Primer
ProBanker | Assignment 3 | Quiz
Articles of Interest
Incentive Scheme Program template for download
Live webinar invitation 3 | 30 July 2025 | 10h00 - 13h00 CAT
Economic Report - Practice Round 2 - BOB 2024
BOB_Trial Period 2_Incentive Scheme Program_Template_BOB_2024
ProBanker | Assignment 4 | Basel Ratios Primer | Part 1
ProBanker | Assignment 4 | Basel Ratios Primer | Part 2
ProBanker | Assignment 4 | Basel Ratios Primer | Part 3
ProBanker | Assignment 4 | Quiz
Live webinar invitation 4 | 06 August 2025 |10h00 - 13h00 CAT
BOB_Q1_Incentive Scheme Program_Template_BOB_2024
BOB 2024_Q1_Economic Report
BOB_Q2_Incentive Scheme Program_Template_BOB_2024
BOB 2024_Q2_Economic Report
Periodic Stress Test Criteria_Q2
ProBanker | Assignment 5 | Liquidity Risk Primer
ProBanker | Assignment 5 | Liquidity Risk | Quiz
ProBanker | Assignment 6 | Credit Risk Primer | Part 1
ProBanker | Assignment 6 | Credit Risk Primer | Part 2
ProBanker | Assignment 6 | Credit Risk | Quiz
ProBanker | Assignment 7 | Repurchase Agreements | Primer
ProBanker | Assignment 7 | Repurchase Agreements | Calculations
ProBanker | Assignment 7 | Repurchase Agreements | Quiz
Live webinar invitation 5 | Review and Insights of Q1 & Q2 | 25 September 2024 | 09h00 - 12h00 CAT
Metrics and Leaderboard
BOB_Q3_Incentive Scheme Program_Template_BOB_2024
BOB 2024_Q3_Economic Report
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Receive 3 FREE e-learning courses when you register.
This course explores the issues and challenges of Asset and Liability Management for bank risk managers, auditors, and regulators. It emphasizes practical advantages and disadvantages of risk measurement and management tools and techniques, using samples of best practice risk reports.
This course provides a detailed overview of the history of the Basel Accords. It describes the regulatory tools that are available in Basel II and the risks that are covered and not covered, while also explaining the ICAAP and capital management.
This course provides a practical step-by-step guide to understanding and operationalizing a repo transaction.
Price includes teams of 4 members each.
Should you want to enter more than 2 teams, please send an email with your details to [email protected].
1 Team
Register 3 teams
Register 2 teams
Get in touch with us and we can send you an invoice for payment.
The simulation program provides a powerful and engaging learning experience set in the context of the current banking environment. Participants develop skills and insights focusing on what it takes to manage a full-service bank successfully in today's competitive and volatile marketplace.
The program is ideally suited to the training of the following persons:
Junior to mid-level management
Young bank executives who need to expand their overall understanding of the management of a bank.
Personnel from Finance, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Compliance who need to expand their understanding of the key activities and products in a bank
Non-banking professionals active in the financial services sector who need to be familiar with the complexities of management in financial institutions.
Meet your instructors
“"The simulation is priceless, a lifetime experience, I feel I have run a bank for 20years after just the 8 competitive quarters, I lacked sleep thinking about the next day simulation as if I was an MD to a real commercial bank. Simulations has equipped me with the knowledge that one day I will go back to ICAP and say, THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY CAREER."”
“"The program mirrors a real banking environment which requires a participant to appreciate/understand key concepts and banking principles. This has enhanced my appreciation of AML & Basel requirements."”
“"By going through this gamified training program, I gained the highest-level banking skills and experience in short period, something that would have taken years to achieve and now have a omprehensive understanding of banking wider operations and relevant decisions and how the streamline down to KPI deliverables. The Expertise of the Facilitators and guest speakers were World Class."”
“"We love the Battle of the Banks Competition because its all about empowering Banks and empowering people that work in Banks to think about the broader business and need to think like business owners."”
“"I found the simulations educationally valuable. I found my interest in this course to be much higher than in any other more traditional education course. I learn just as much, but in a much more fun and exciting way."”
“I encourage my colleagues to participate, the course/competitions was a great learning platform that allowed me to broaden my horizons and also to get to know my team mates better.”
“I will highly recommend him/her to consider the option of joining the competition because the learning and imparted knowledge is vast and not to be missed.
The course was intense. The presenters have vast knowledge on the subject matters and I will highly recommend anyone intending to upskill him or herself. ”
““I have been in Banking for close to 10 years and I didn’t know that there was so much I didn’t know about the rest of the bank, or why my CEO makes the decisions he makes! But after going through the Battle of the Banks, I now understand the reasoning.””
“I loved the in group discussions around our decisions and luckily for our team we had a mix of members, myself as a TES trader being closer to liquidity management and other members being from market risk and balance sheet management made the discussions interesting and i was able to gain valuable insights into other team perspectives based on their backgrounds.”
“The opportunity to see how a bank's ALM is a moving target and very dependent on a lot of internal decision making, external market factors as well as how your competitors are positioning themselves.”