ACI Dealing Certificate - Practice Exams
Test your knowledge through our rolling database of more than 600 exam type questions. Explanations are provided for all the answers!
As an approved, accredited training provider by ACI Financial Markets Association (ACIFMA), we offer all ACI exam preparatory workshops.
Manual | The Financial Market Environment
Module 1 | Test your knowledge
Manual | Foreign Exchange
Module 2 | Test your knowledge
Manual | Rates
Module 3 | Test your knowledge
Manual | FICC Derivatives
Module 4 | Test your knowledge
Manual | Financial Market Applications
Module 5 | Test your knowledge |
Regular price
Check out all ACI Bundles available:
The ACI Treasury Bundle Subscription provides flexible, pay-as-you-use access to three key ACI certifications: the ACI Dealing Certificate, ACI Operations Certificate, and FX Global Code Certificate.
Pay-As-You-Use for only $199.99 / Month.
The ACI Dealing Bundle subscription provides flexible, subscription-based access to the ACI Dealing Certificate and the ACI FX Global Code.
Affordable and convenient for $179.99 / month
The ACI Operations Bundle subscription provides flexible, subscription-based access to the ACI Dealing Certificate and the ACI FX Global Code.
Affordable and convenient for $179.99 / month