Coming soon
We are releasing new courses every month.
Corporate, Fintech & Maths are up next!
This practical, engaging, and interactive workshop incorporates a live market simulation program.
SCHEDULED10 - 11 March 2024
Delegates attending are expected to have a good knowledge of Derivative Products and Credit.
14 OCTOBER 2024
Delegates are invited to consider how trade is financed from their clients perspective in the non-textbook real world. This will help delegates to understand the way the market works.
We will consider the challenges of current AML requirements, what needs to be in place, how to comply and what must be done to discharge the requirements.
This course has been customised to meet the requirements of various market practitioners in the African and International fixed income markets.
07 OCTOBER 2024,
(4 X 7-hour Sessions)
Highly interactive training platform where delegates will have direct, real time access to the expert training coordinator with whom they will work through the program’s theory, exercises and case studies